How to Overcome MSS – Mood, Stress and Sleep Problems

To say you’ve never suffered from low moods, stress and sleep problems would make you rather unique nowadays. It’s not that you want to succumb to them but in this day and age, they are pretty hard to avoid, especially stress.

Yet this doesn’t mean you have to let them rule your life!

Take the following scenarios. Each can be prevented with a little forward thinking and preparation:

Scenario One: Your mood has dipped and it is hard to feel cheerful or optimistic, especially with the dark nights and grey weather.

  1. First try to spend more time outside during the daylight hours – yes even if it looks grey. This will help your pineal gland to get more regular light exposure which should help lift your mood.
  2. Include some form of exercise in your day to day activities. Any form of oxygenated exercise, whether that involves going for a walk outside or crawling/waddling around your house can stir up your blood.Jumping up and down for instance is believed to release happy hormones called endorphins that can help cheer you up. Plus, jumping around your house is sure to make you giggle.
  3. Invest in a light box or put a daylight bulb in your office or home. Anything to lighten the gloom will help you to feel better.
  4. Try Hyperiforce tablets.These traditional herbal tablets are great for relieving symptoms where you feel down or slightly low (based on traditional use only). Helping to lift your moods, its use of St John’sWort can help you to view life more positively.Note: always check the leaflet for contraindications, especially if you are taking other medication. And if your mood worsens, talk to your doctor.

Scenario Two: No matter how tired, fractious or how much you long for your bed, you can’t sleep properly. You keep waking up and find it hard to fall back off.

  1. If you regularly drink/eat anything that contains caffeine or refined sugars, replace them with the following healthier alternatives: soothing herbal teas, water and dried fruit/fruit bars.
  2. Try to exercise daily, even if it is just 15-20 minutes of gentle walking. To ensure good sleep you need to make sure you have exercised your body AND mind.So if for instance you spend all day in front of the computer and your mind is weary, it is important that you also make sure your body is tired too, otherwise lack of stimuli will make it difficult for you to drop off.Similarly if your job is very active or you rush around after your family all day, if you do nothing to challenge yourself mentally, then you will find it difficult to sleep as your mind will still be racing at night, even though your body is tired. To stimulate your mind in this circumstance, trying reading for half an hour before you go to bed. This will exert your mind and help you to sleep better.
  3. Avoid watching television or films just before you go to bed as this will over stimulate your mind and make it difficult for you to switch off. Instead, do things to help your body recognise that you are en route to bed e.g. reading, having a bath or talking to your family.More importantly make sure you keep your bedroom separate from work and recognise it as a place of rest. This means don’t have a television, computer, piles of work or even your ironing board in the room as these will all remind you of the work and tasks you need to do.
  4. Try Dormeasan Valerian Hops oral drops. Traditionally used for the temporary relief of sleep disturbances caused from mild anxiety (based on traditional use only), by using these drops they can help your body to break this habit of poor sleep and establish a better pattern.

Scenario Three: You’re irritable, jumpy, a bag of nerves and can’t seem to concentrate properly.

  1. Begin by taking a deep breath. Breathing exercises can not only steady your emotions but can help reduce the release of inflammatory and pain-causing chemicals from your brainstem. At the same time these exercises will help to stimulate your circulatory system and keep oxygen flowing to your brain, so it is able to work better.
  2. Avoid or reduce the amount of caffeine you have so your suffering adrenal glands can have a break. This includes drinking coffee, tea and fizzy drinks. Instead why not try drinking green or white tea, or alternatively calming teas such as lemon balm. These will help to relax you, body and mind, and clear away troublesome thoughts.
  3. Review your diet and see how much refined sugar you have. Refined sugar is bad for irritated nerves as it can cause your blood sugar to swing and your mood as well.
  4. Try introducing a combination of B Vitamins and magnesium supplements into your diet as they will feed your adrenal glands and nervous system, and make you better equipped to deal with stress.
  5. Try taking Stress Relief Daytime Valerian-Hops oral drops. These can provide temporary relief of symptoms of stress and mild anxiety (based on traditional use only), allowing you to regain your focus and view situations objectively.

Whether you are prone to stress, sleeplessness or low moods, you can easily nip these in the bud and ensure they don’t impact on you, your work life or your social life.

Simply give these tips a try and see which works best for you…

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