Norfolk Punch Original Norfolk Punch 700ml
Norfolk Punch Original Norfolk Punch 700ml
Norfolk Punch 700ml
Norfolk punch original is healthy non-alcoholic drink first made by the Benedictine monks in the 13th century is nature’s answer to tenseness, tiredness and the lowness of spirits. Although Norfolk punch has no alcohol, it has a remarkable ability to induce a feeling of cheerfulness and well-being and is still made by us to the original secret recipe. A chilled glass of Norfolk punch on hot days is very refreshing and helps replace lost energy.
Water, molasses sugar, honey, lemon and over 30 herbs, berries and spices including, Alder, Alehoof, Angelica Bay., Camomile. Caraway, Cinnamon, Clove, Daisy, Dandelion, Dock, Elderberry, Elderflower, Fennel, Feverfew, Ginger, Grape skin, Hop, Lemon Balm
Standard Delivery (UK)
Orders under 25kg in weight are subject to the following shipping fees:
All orders over £30 | Postage is Free |
All orders under £30 | Postage is £3.49 |
We aim to dispatch all, in-stock, standard UK orders within three working days.
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Express Delivery (UK)
- Express orders must be placed before 1pm on any weekday
- Orders placed after 1pm on Thursday will be delivered by 1pm on the following Monday
- There must be someone available to sign for & receive the package between 7am & 1pm on the day of delivery
All orders over £30* | Express Delivery is £5.99 |
All orders under £30* | Express Delivery is £8.99 |
*Applies to orders under 25kg in weight
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